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Analysing Music video

Gabrielle Aplin - Panic Cord

From Gabrielle's Tumblr- What she said about Panic Cord:

I wrote Panic Cord nearly 4 years ago now. It sounds a lot meaner than it actually was. In a nutshell, it’s about a boy that liked me more than I liked him. In fact I didn’t like him at all, and he didn’t understand that. It was hard to tell him because I didn’t want to be mean, but I guess in some situations you kinda have to. “maybe you were just too nice to me"

The video for Panic Cord alternates to flashbacks of her being in the relationship with the man to scenes of gabrielle alone on the bed or in the window. When she falls back on to the bed near the start of the video this can suggest that she had enough and has no effort for the realtionship. Whereas her sitting singing and looking out thte window gives the impression that she is hopeful and thoughtful. Which links in with the whole idea of the whole song being on and off with the video and lyrics for example the constants repeating of the word 'maybe..'

Goodwin 1992 stated that in music videos there is a relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images.(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting). In Panic Cord alot of the visuals follow what the lyrics are saying at that time. For example the start of the song is;


'You kept all the things I threw away
A leaf I picked a birthday card I made'


When these lyrics are sang you see Gabrielle looking in the box of memories of the relationship you see her pick out a handmade birthday card.

To show a link and help the audience to understand between the thing that he kept the "box of souvenirs" there is a cut of the same cookie cutter. At first you see her finding a guitar pick from the box which then cuts to him and her playing the guitar with it. You then see her taking out a hand shaped cookie cutter which then cuts to a flash back of him and her baking and you also then see that in the scene. This helps the audience to see how she finds them sentimental and you feel more for her as you can make a link with her feelings and the memories.

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