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Below is the link to the Questionnaire I made and sent out to Post-16 an Year 11 Students at my school.

Below is my embeded Questionnaire i got people to fill out!

Analysing Results

In google drive i can easily read my results in a table form created when people submit the questionnaire. I had 32 responses in total.

My first quesions where to find out who was filling out the questionnaire. My first thoughts for our target audience age was around 16-22 as the song talks about more school based friend problems. Initially i sent out the questionaire to sixth formers in my school that would fall inside this age category. However due to low responses I also thought it would be interesting to see what year 11 students also thought. However this proved that our video should deffinetly be aimed at 16-22 year olds. Our song is quite serious and once the questionnaire was sent out to year 11 I got some 'silly' results.


For Example a couple of participants selected that they were in Full time work or 35 or Over, this is obviously not right as the questionnaire was only sent out to students in school. 

This question gave us some sort of idea on what Social Demographic the participants were from. Students fall into group E.

Our next couple of questions allowed us to find out what music videos they like and why.

The Pie Charts above shows the overall results of what music videos the participants prefered, and also two pie charts seperating the two age categories responses. From the Pie Charts you can see the differences between what type of music videos 16-22s like compared to what 15 or unders prefer. Overall the 15 or Under age categorie prefered more light hearted/fun videos like Taylor Swifts Shake It Off. However the 16-22 age categorie prefered more 'serious' relateable music videos such as Sam Smith's Im Not The Only One. This again confirms to me and my group that we want to aim our music video at 16-22s, as our song is quite serious we think the visuals should lik to the lyrics.

Below are some of the responses I recieved.

"Cinematography, the editing and how it shows the story of two people at the same time"


"Video links to the lyrics and have a meaning to it."



The Song for our song speaks about more seripous issues. Funny music videos usually follow within the pop genre. Indie folk music videos are usually more serious and overall the audience research showed that they prefer this more.

I asked people if they prefer a music video that links to the lyrics or an abstract video with no relation to the lyrics. In my head I was planning for our video to link to the lyrics and follow Goodwin 1992s (Dancing in the Distraction Factory) where he found that most music videos had a "relationship between lyrics and visuals. The lyrics are represented with images.(either illustrative, amplifying, contradicting".


The highest rated location for the video was the woods. With half as many votes was City/Town. Me and my group have decided that an urban area will be mre fitting for our music video as the song talks about how she is sepereated from friends and other people it would make sense to have these in the background out of focus.  

This feedback will be good to have and keep in consideration when planning our artist styling. It is important to know what the audience likes aswell as what is fitting to the genre our song come under.

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